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(1.83) Are there services for infants and toddlers with disabilities served under the federal special education law?

(1.83) Are there services for infants and toddlers with disabilities served under the federal special education law?

Yes. Part C of the IDEA governs the federal “early intervention” program for infants and toddlers, aged birth through two years. The term “infants and toddlers with disabilities” means children younger than three years old who need early intervention services because they are experiencing developmental delays in the areas of cognitive development, physical development, language and speech development, social or emotional development, or self-help skills. In addition, the term also includes infants and toddlers who have a diagnosed mental or physical condition that typically results in a developmental delay. The state may also decide the term includes children younger than 3 who are at risk of having substantial developmental delays.” The criteria for these definitions are to be determined by each state. California has adopted this at-risk criteria. [34 C.F.R. Sec. 303.13; Cal. Gov. Code Sec. 95014(a)]