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(1.93) My child has a serious illness or condition, or is recovering from an accident or surgery, that will keep him from attending school for a short time. Can he receive any special services to help him stay current with his education?

(1.93) My child has a serious illness or condition, or is recovering from an accident or surgery, that will keep him from attending school for a short time. Can he receive any special services to help him stay current with his education?

Yes. Students enrolled in public school with conditions that California’s Education Codes calls a temporary disabilities — for whom it is impossible or unadvisable to attend regular classes or an alternative education program — may receive individual instruction, even if they are not eligible under the special education or Section 504 laws. Under California Education Code, “temporary disability” means a physical, mental, or emotional disability that occurs while the student is enrolled in regular day classes or an alternative education program and after which he can be reasonably expected to return to school. “Individual instruction” means instruction provided to the student at home, in a hospital or most other residential health facilities. A temporary disability shall not include a disability for which a pupil is identified as an individual with exceptional needs. (Cal. Ed. Code Sec. 48206.3.]