Vena Gourdji- Hernández
City, State, Zip Code
Telephone Number
Stephen Punonbayong
Director of Special Education
Local Unified School District
Address City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr. Punonbayong:
I am the parent of Sanjay Gourdji-Hernández, who is currently enrolled at the Fred Korematsu Elementary School in the fifth grade. An IEP meeting has been scheduled for Sanjay on April 7.
I would like to arrange a time to review my son’s educational records (both his special education file and cumulative file) at his school within the next five business days, as required by Cal. Ed. Code Secs. 49069 & 56504. I would like to obtain copies of some of his records at that time.
I am writing to request that you make and send to me (OR make and have available for me to pick-up) copies of Sanjay’s educational records within the next five business days pursuant to Cal. Ed. Code Secs. 49069 and 56504. I would like copies of both his cumulative file and his special education file.
I cannot afford to pay for the copies of his records; doing so would effectively prevent me from receiving copies of these records. I will call you soon to make arrangements to pick up the records. (OR — Please send the records to my home address.)
Thank you for your cooperation.
Vena Gourdji-Hernández