- (10.1) Does the school district have to help students with disabilities make the transition from high school to adult life?
- (10.2) What transition services are included in federal special education laws?
- (10.3) What transition services are included in California special education laws?
- (10.4) What is an Individual Transition Plan (ITP)?
- (10.5) When should transition planning occur?
- (10.6) How do I initiate a transition planning meeting?
- (10.7) How should transition services be written into the IEP?
- (10.8) How does the IEP team determine my child’s transition needs and the services that should be provided?
- (10.9) What should a transition program for younger students contain?
- (10.10) What should a transition program for older students contain?
- (10.11) How can students be involved in developing their own transition plans?
- (10.12) Who should participate in a transition planning meeting?
- (10.13) What if the school district, parents and student cannot agree on the statement of transition services in the student’s IEP?
- (10.14) What if a participating agency fails to provide agreed-upon transition services that are listed in the IEP?
- (10.15) What if the school district fails to provide transition services that are listed in the IEP or ITP?
- (10.16) Can a student continue to get transition services after receiving a certificate of completion?
- (10.17) What is the relationship between transition services and vocational education?
- (10.18) What is vocational education?
- (10.19) Who is eligible for vocational education?
- (10.20) When should vocational services start?
- (10.21) When should I request a vocational assessment and what should it include?
- (10.22) How can I work with my child’s teachers and other staff to promote the skills necessary for my child to enter a vocational education program?
- (10.23) When I develop my child’s IEP, how can I include vocational education services?
- (10.24) What factors should I consider in designing a vocational education program for my child?
- (10.25) What is Supported Employment?
- (10.26) Can my child enroll in a general education vocational program?
- (10.27) What if my child needs an accommodation to be in a regular vocational program?
- (10.28) Does the California Department of Rehabilitation have any responsibility in assisting my child to transition from special education to post-school adult life?