- (13.1) What is the federal law that requires preschool education services?
- (13.2) What is the purpose of preschool education services?
- (13.3) Are all school districts responsible for full implementation of services for 3- to 5- year-old children?
- (13.4) What are the eligibility criteria for children with disabilities who are three to five years old?
- (13.5) Can my child be made eligible for special education under a so-called “speech only” category?
- (13.6) If I think my child needs services, who should I contact?
- (13.7) For children receiving early intervention services, what happens when my child reaches the age of three?
- (13.8) What happens at the transition planning meeting?
- (13.9) My child is now receiving Early Start services. At our initial IEP meeting, the school district disagrees with me about her need for special education services. Will she continue to receive Early Start services until the disagreement is resolved?
- (13.10) What special education services are available to my preschool-aged child?
- (13.11) Is my child entitled to related services such as behavioral services and occupational/physical therapy?
- (13.12) Who determines the length of my child’s program day and if preschool services should be provided individually or in a group?
- (13.13) If my child is eligible for special education services, where will she receive them?
- (13.14) Will my child be able to participate in educational activities with non-disabled children?
- (13.15) Do districts ever pay tuition at a private preschool?
- (13.16) Should there be a “waiting list” for services for my child?