Yolanda Bleu
City, CA Zip Code
Telephone Number
Victor Verde
Director of Special Education
Local Unified School District
City, CA Zip Code
Re: Max Bleu
Dear Mr. Verde:
We have just received the psychological evaluation of our son, Max, which was completed by district personnel. We disagree with this evaluation. Since we believe it is inadequate and does not show an accurate picture of our son’s educational functioning, we plan to obtain an independent assessment at public expense. After the independent assessment is completed, we will submit bills for the assessor’s services to you for reimbursement. Further, we would like to
postpone the upcoming IEP meeting for __ weeks so that the independent assessment is available for the team’s review.
Sincerely yours,
Yolanda Bleu
[If you believe an independent evaluation is necessary, add a description of your reasons for that belief. See box in Appendix D.]