The CDE and local school districts have general responsibility to ensure that both regular and special education personnel are adequately prepared to provide instruction to special education students. In fact, the law requires that the IEP contain a statement of the “supports for school personnel” to enable them to educate students in the least restrictive environment. This statement should be based on the support needed by school staff to implement your child’s IEP. Parents should include this service need as part of their parental input to the IEP team. [34 C.F.R. Sec. 300.320(a)(4)(iii); Cal. Ed. Code Sec. 56345(a)(4)].
These “supports” can include in-service training to regular, special education teachers, and other support staff who serve special education students. This program should include information on the latest educational practices as well as joint training of school personnel and parents. [Cal. Ed. Code Secs. 56001(o), 56240, 56241 & 56243.]