If the IEP team determines that a student needs to be educated at home or in a hospital, the District must provide the special education and related services needed to address your child’s educational needs at home or in the hospital. When recommending placement for home instruction, the IEP team must have a medical report in the assessment information from the attending physician and surgeon or the report of the psychologist, as appropriate, stating the diagnosed condition and certifying that the severity of the condition prevents the pupil from attending a less restrictive placement. The report must also include a projected calendar date for the pupil’s return to school. The IEP team must meet to reconsider the IEP prior to the projected calendar date for the pupil’s return to school. If the student has a medical condition such as those related to surgery, accidents, short-term illness or medical treatment for a chronic illness, the IEP team must review and revise the IEP, if appropriate, whenever there is a significant change in the student’s current medical condition.
Instructions in the home or hospital may be delivered individually, in small groups or by teleclass. It must be provided by a regular class teacher, the special class teacher or the resource specialist teacher, if the teacher or specialist is competent to provide such instruction and services and if the provision of such instruction and services by the teacher or specialist is feasible. If not, the appropriate related services specialist shall provide the instructions. The teacher providing the home instruction shall contact the pupil’s previous school and teacher to determine:
- the course work to be covered;
- the books and materials to be used; and,
- who is responsible for issuing grades and promoting the pupil when appropriate.
For pupils in grades 7 to 12, the teacher shall confer with the school guidance counselor to determine:
- the hours the pupil has earned toward semester course credit in each subject included in the IEP and the grade as of the last day of attendance;
- who is responsible for issuing credits when the course work is completed; and,
- who will issue the diploma if the pupil is to graduate.
[5 C.C.R. 3051.4.]