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(12.18) Who may provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers?

(12.18) Who may provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers?

Early intervention services must be provided by qualified personnel including:

  1. special educators, including teachers of children with hearing impairments, deafness, visual impairments and blindness;
  2. speech and language pathologists;
  3. audiologists;
  4. occupational therapists;
  5. physical therapists;
  6. psychologists;
  7. social workers;
  8. nurses;
  9. registered dieticians;
  10. family therapists;
  11. orientation and mobility specialists;
  12. pediatricians and other physicians; and
  13. vision specialists, including ophthalmologists and optometrists. [20.U.S.C. Sec. 1432(4)(F); 34 C.F.R. Sec. 303.13(c).]