All school districts and regional centers in California are responsible for providing early intervention and education services to eligible infants and toddlers younger than 3. The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has been designated as lead agency responsible for the administration and coordination of the statewide service delivery system. [Cal. Gov. Code Secs. 95006 & 95007.]
The California Department of Education (CDE) is responsible for administering services and providing educational programs for infants who meet the following criteria:
- have solely “low incidence” disabilities — conditions occurring in less than 1% of the school population which are solely visual, hearing, or severe orthopedic impairments, or any combination of those conditions; and,
- require intensive special education and services. The local area regional center is responsible for providing early intervention services to all other eligible infants, including children who have developmental delays or are at risk of delay. [Cal. Ed. Code Secs. 56026 & 56026.5; Cal. Gov. Code Secs. 95008 and 95014(b); 5 California Code of Regulations (C.C.R.) Sec. 3031.]