When a student is placed at a school outside her own district pursuant to an IEP, presumably because of the unavailability of an appropriate program within the district, either the student’s district or the district in which the school of attendance is located must provide any necessary transportation. Which school district will provide the transportation will likely depend on the terms of the interdistrict attendance agreement negotiated by the two districts to allow the student to attend outside her own district. [See Cal. Ed. Code Secs. 46600 and following.]
When a child attends school in her home district but her related services are delivered at a site not inside the child’s home district, transportation must be provided to and from those services by her home district.
When a student attends school within her district but wishes to be dropped off at a location outside the district after school (such as at a relative’s home for childcare or a childcare center), the entitlement is not so clear and would only be ensured if specifically stated in the IEP.