The OCR will “promptly” acknowledge your complaint once they receive it. However, the OCR will close your complaint if you do not send your written consent within 20 days of receiving the letter of acknowledgement.
Once OCR determines that it will investigate, it may review documents and/or conduct interviews or site visits. If it finds the district to be out of compliance, it will give the district 30 days to voluntarily comply before sending out a “Letter of Finding” documenting the failure to meet legal standards. If the district enters into negotiations with you, it will have 10 days to come to an agreement before the OCR sends out a “Letter of Finding.”
OCR will periodically monitor the district to ensure that it continues to be in compliance with any resolution agreement. If the district does not voluntarily comply, OCR may enforce its findings by withholding funds or by referring the case to the Department of Justice for possible legal action. See OCR, Case Processing Manual, Sec. 103, at: and Complaint Processing Procedures at: For more information, you may also visit: https:/ (Frequently Asked Questions).