The team must include the following people:
- One or both of the child’s parents, a representative selected by the parent, or both;
- At least one general education teacher if the child is, or may be, in a general education environment. If the child has more than one general education teacher, the school can select which one attends;
- At least one special education teacher or service provider;
- A school district representative who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of specialized instruction; knowledgeable about the general curriculum; and knowledgeable about the resources of the district. Another district member already on the IEP team may serve in this role;
- The individual who conducted the assessments of the student, or someone who is knowledgeable about the procedure used and the results, and is qualified to interpret the instructional implications of the results. Another IEP team member may serve in this role;
- Other people with specific expertise or knowledge of the student, at the parent or district’s request. Whether the additional invited person has sufficient knowledge or expertise is decided by the party who invited the person to the meeting; and
- The student, when appropriate.
[Cal. Ed. Code Sec. 56341.]